Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Battle of Movement

Everyone knows that to lose weight you take in less and move more.  What 'less' is of course is in a terminal debate.  Less fat, less carbs - either way less calories always works as long as you don't lower your caloric intake to the detriment of your metabolism.

I personally don't like regimented exercise and really need motivation.  I have found that devices such as the Fitbit were helpful in supplying me that push I needed.  When I had my last Fitbit - I had friends and challenges and found that I moved a lot more as a result of having the device keep me in check.  But after walking into the ocean with the first one and losing the second one somewhere on a park hike I was done with the investment.  As a consequence I find that I am moving less.

While perusing the Windows Store last week I came across the Misfit Shine - another device that happens to work with my Windows Phone.  It is beautiful, waterproof and does everything I am looking for in this type of device.  You can even accessorize it with necklaces it fits into or an upgrade to a leather band.

And it is a watch so it actually serves a purpose that the Fitbit didn't.  Just got it so I will let you know how it works after using it a bit.

The Windows app that comes with it is nice and it has a progress bar in addition to step - meter that I like a lot.  Oh and it has a real battery so there is not a constant charging issue and it synchs to my Windows phone automatically!  The charging and synching were both pains with other devices.  If you have an Android or Apple you can get by with the MisFit Flash - half the price but not available in the subdued metallic colors of the Shine.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The long path to Windows Phone

Ah the explosion of the phone!  I remember my first mobile phone - weighed 8 lbs and was hard wired into my car.  We have come a long way since then haven't we?  My own current history has included 3 iPhones then a progression to at least 3 Android phones, each of them a bit better than the last.  When I moved from iPhone to Android I remember missing a few features but felt it was justified to not be tied to iTunes and Apples control.  
I have just taken another phone venture leap by purchasing my first Windows Phone, a slick Nokia 635 for a 5th of the price of the new iPhone and every bit as comparable, except for one thing ... it runs Windows!  And the Windows 8.1 interface runs circles around the competition!
I read an article the other day about Steve Jobs and his affection for Picasso and the simplicity of design and he should think about getting a Windows phone because this new phone is exactly what I needed.  
Gone are the scads of icons cluttering up my brain, if I want to see all my 'icons' or programs I can slide once to get a clean, alphabetized, filterable list that is readable!  For the 5 or 6 programs I use daily - I have them in large active tiles on my first page and it makes up the fabric for the things that I am really interested in... I have the Active Fitness App - which keeps track of what I am doing, okay I have myFitnessPal too ... cause I love the way I can track food and exercise all in one place.  Then the other things that are important to me ... I have a 'People' app which ships with Windows and keeps me updated on my people (you know Linked In, Facebook, Skpe friends etc).  I have Mail (both gmail and exchange in little icons), Weather, Skype, Mint, Music,500px, driving app and bank app and you would have to see my screen to appreciate how uncomplicated it is.  Very clean and doesn't hurt your eyes like the iPhone and Androids interfaces.  The phone is fast, the software seamless (so far) and I love the voice recognition which is practically flawless.  Some of the other built-in features I appreciate - helping you keep track of your data usage, reminding you (if you want it to) when you are speeding and the live tiles.  

Monday, March 17, 2014

I don't cheat often, but when I do I cheat with tacos

If you like Mexican food - there are two different flavors - Authentic and well what we call Tex-Mex.  I think the way my family prepares tacos would probably fall in the latter.  It is a staple for our family and the one thing my daughter prefers I make when she visits.  I have never met anyone who prepares tacos quite the same way.  So here goes -


  • Corn Tortillas - the thinner the better - I like Mission extra-thin - not cold - room temperature
  • Hamburger Meat
  • Cheddar Cheese - grated
  • Lard - like crisco
  • Toppings - hot sauce, lettuce, tomato and onion
  • Guacamole (optional)
  • Sour Cream (optional)


  • Cook the hamburger until browned and drain.
  • Heat the lard up  - you want it as hot as you can get without it smoking
  • Spoon a large spoon of the meat into the tortilla and holding it like a taco, place it into the hot grease and hold it there for a second so that the crease will stay when you lay it down
  • Brown on one side then turn and brown on the other side.  Tortilla should be crispy before turning it.
  • Pull out and place on a paper towel to drain any residual grease and put a generous amount of cheese in it.
  • Lightly salt the outside of the shell
  • Top with whatever you like and enjoy!