Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Battle of Movement

Everyone knows that to lose weight you take in less and move more.  What 'less' is of course is in a terminal debate.  Less fat, less carbs - either way less calories always works as long as you don't lower your caloric intake to the detriment of your metabolism.

I personally don't like regimented exercise and really need motivation.  I have found that devices such as the Fitbit were helpful in supplying me that push I needed.  When I had my last Fitbit - I had friends and challenges and found that I moved a lot more as a result of having the device keep me in check.  But after walking into the ocean with the first one and losing the second one somewhere on a park hike I was done with the investment.  As a consequence I find that I am moving less.

While perusing the Windows Store last week I came across the Misfit Shine - another device that happens to work with my Windows Phone.  It is beautiful, waterproof and does everything I am looking for in this type of device.  You can even accessorize it with necklaces it fits into or an upgrade to a leather band.

And it is a watch so it actually serves a purpose that the Fitbit didn't.  Just got it so I will let you know how it works after using it a bit.

The Windows app that comes with it is nice and it has a progress bar in addition to step - meter that I like a lot.  Oh and it has a real battery so there is not a constant charging issue and it synchs to my Windows phone automatically!  The charging and synching were both pains with other devices.  If you have an Android or Apple you can get by with the MisFit Flash - half the price but not available in the subdued metallic colors of the Shine.

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