Sunday, August 12, 2012

Where's the Atkins crunch

I was talking to a friend yesterday who struggles to stay on the Atkins diet. He said what he misses most is crunchy foods. If you've followed my posts you know I am a big low-carb proponent. So James, here us the crunch without the carbs.

Pork skins - use them ground up as a breaking for vegetables or cheese

Ground almonds are great as a cheesecake crust

Fried bacon in salads beats croutons any day

Brown coconut as a topping

Coat Kale with olive oil and make a big bowl of Kale chips instead of potato chips

Shrimp salad with real mayo and crunchy celery

Grate zucchini add egg and fry as a crispy hash brown substitute

Add walnuts to salads

I am sure I can think of some more .., stay tuned

Please chime in in the comments if you can think of more crunchy Atkins options

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Battle of Information

Are you a good 'filer'  or are you more like  Einstein and myself... do you walk out of someones office with business card in hand and immediately add it to your contacts?  Yeah, me neither.  Let me tell you about a couple of iPhone apps I found that are making organization a little easier. The first one (currently only available for iPhone but coming soon for Android) is  "Card Munch".  It works with LinkedIn and if you don't have a LinkedIn account then you probably need one anyway.  Here is how it works.  You install the program and the next time someone hands you a business card you use Card Munch to take a picture of the card.  It allows you a place to take notes if you want to add them to the contact.  It then adds all of the information into your Card Munch view and you can email or add it to your iPhone contacts.  It is a brilliant program that seems to work flawlessly.  It is easy to identify the records later as it adds the date it was scanned into the notes of the contact.

The other app 'World Scan' is very nifty for snapping a picture of a document or image - receipt from your HVAC guy, notes from your boss - whatever you want - it crops and converts to a PDF which you can then store or send. It is loaded with a ton of features such as image enhancement - sizing the PDF to a specific print format - etc.

Hope these tools help you reduce your clutter and maybe give you more time to be your brilliant self!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Battle of Clean Floors!

Picture of the 560 model that I have.
In the "things we don't really need" category - but don't want to live without, I put my Roomba at the very top of the list. I can honestly say that my Roomba has changed my life.  I have two dogs and a cat.  They all shed terribly.  I have a lot of tile and wood floors and if I don't sweep every single day it is very obvious.  I got my Roomba about two years ago and recently a part broke on it and I went several days without it - it was then that I realized how much my life had been changed by this efficient little robot.  I have my Roomba on a schedule (if you get one spend a little extra for scheduling) and it goes off every day after I leave the house for work. It spends 1-3 hours going through my house - under the beds, under the couch, along the baseboards - picking up hair, dog food, crumbs, dust - in the evenings I empty the bin, clean the brushes and it is ready to go the next day!  The point is that I come home every evening to a freshly swept house.  The iRobot company is awesome too in terms of support.  They are a bit pricey but thoroughly sweeping my house every day is worth it and if something happened to my Roomba you can bet I would spend the money again. If anyone would like for me to test and review the Scooba  (hint hint)  I am more than willing - the other thing I hate is mopping!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who are these Walmart Stalkers?

So we have all received the emails with the pics of 300 lb women in shorts we wouldn't let our daughters be seen in. The endless barrage of tattoo's, funky hair, mini skirts, house shoes and other oddities, which seem to be attracted to Walmart like a magnet, have flooded our mailboxes. They all flashed through my mind last Sunday morning as I made a 7:00 am run to Walmart for dog treats (why I am purchasing dog treats at Walmart should be another blog but we won't go there now). I was getting out of the car and lo and behold I saw it - a genuine Walmart viral email candidate.
She was mid thirties, way over weight with spiky, dirty platinum blond hair with at least an inch of black roots - not sure if that was what she was going for or not. She had on ill-fitted shorts and .99 cent hot purple flip flops and a tight black T-shirt emblazoned with an invitation to ask her out - honestly I don't recall exactly what it said, it made me laugh inwardly but it was something along the lines 'single and available'. Well my immediate reaction was YES - I have the opportunity to take a picture and add to the growing annoying emails of Walmart shoppers. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't even know how someone could possibly do it. Exactly how do you whip out your camera phone and point it at a total stranger and take a picture of them? I thought about getting in front of her and being coy and pretending I was on the phone - but that was out of the question. It was not possible because I would be too embarrassed if I got busted AND my phone makes a camera clicking sound when it goes off and God forbid the flash decided to work! And beyond that it dawned on me that "there but for the grace of God..." So my question is not who are these novelty people at Walmart but who is it that is taking pictures of them?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Miracle Noodles

Well I got my "Miracle Noodles" tonight. The package says NO SUGAR, NO GLUTEN, NO CARBS ... and that is pretty exciting. To beat that >> 36% Fiber (9 grams). I was reluctant when I first saw the package, they looked frail, clear and see through and frankly they looked a little mushy. But they were good! I sauteed some celery, onion and a mushroom in a little butter, added the noodles and some baby shrimp. Seasoned with some cajun spice and WOW! I ate the whole thing which should have legitimately been at least two servings. I have missed pasta and this is truly a great substitute. Bon Appetit!