Thursday, August 9, 2012

Who are these Walmart Stalkers?

So we have all received the emails with the pics of 300 lb women in shorts we wouldn't let our daughters be seen in. The endless barrage of tattoo's, funky hair, mini skirts, house shoes and other oddities, which seem to be attracted to Walmart like a magnet, have flooded our mailboxes. They all flashed through my mind last Sunday morning as I made a 7:00 am run to Walmart for dog treats (why I am purchasing dog treats at Walmart should be another blog but we won't go there now). I was getting out of the car and lo and behold I saw it - a genuine Walmart viral email candidate.
She was mid thirties, way over weight with spiky, dirty platinum blond hair with at least an inch of black roots - not sure if that was what she was going for or not. She had on ill-fitted shorts and .99 cent hot purple flip flops and a tight black T-shirt emblazoned with an invitation to ask her out - honestly I don't recall exactly what it said, it made me laugh inwardly but it was something along the lines 'single and available'. Well my immediate reaction was YES - I have the opportunity to take a picture and add to the growing annoying emails of Walmart shoppers. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't even know how someone could possibly do it. Exactly how do you whip out your camera phone and point it at a total stranger and take a picture of them? I thought about getting in front of her and being coy and pretending I was on the phone - but that was out of the question. It was not possible because I would be too embarrassed if I got busted AND my phone makes a camera clicking sound when it goes off and God forbid the flash decided to work! And beyond that it dawned on me that "there but for the grace of God..." So my question is not who are these novelty people at Walmart but who is it that is taking pictures of them?

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