Friday, August 10, 2012

The Battle of Clean Floors!

Picture of the 560 model that I have.
In the "things we don't really need" category - but don't want to live without, I put my Roomba at the very top of the list. I can honestly say that my Roomba has changed my life.  I have two dogs and a cat.  They all shed terribly.  I have a lot of tile and wood floors and if I don't sweep every single day it is very obvious.  I got my Roomba about two years ago and recently a part broke on it and I went several days without it - it was then that I realized how much my life had been changed by this efficient little robot.  I have my Roomba on a schedule (if you get one spend a little extra for scheduling) and it goes off every day after I leave the house for work. It spends 1-3 hours going through my house - under the beds, under the couch, along the baseboards - picking up hair, dog food, crumbs, dust - in the evenings I empty the bin, clean the brushes and it is ready to go the next day!  The point is that I come home every evening to a freshly swept house.  The iRobot company is awesome too in terms of support.  They are a bit pricey but thoroughly sweeping my house every day is worth it and if something happened to my Roomba you can bet I would spend the money again. If anyone would like for me to test and review the Scooba  (hint hint)  I am more than willing - the other thing I hate is mopping!

1 comment:

  1. Agree 10000%!! Dont now how I have lived without this with two dogs. The only problem is when I decide to run it while at home I find myself sitting on the couch focused on a speck of dirt to see if will be detected and sucked into the dirt chamber (so far I have not been disappointed!). Havent scheduled mine to go off on a schedule yet, hate to deprive myself the pleasure of watching it work while I drink coffee. My older Pom is not afraid of it like she is the regular vaccume, and my puppy does not feel like he needs to attack it to protect his property (although it has sucked up some of his small flattened out stuffed toys - of course ones that are missing their stuffing...another item that the roomba has picked up!)
