Sunday, August 12, 2012

Where's the Atkins crunch

I was talking to a friend yesterday who struggles to stay on the Atkins diet. He said what he misses most is crunchy foods. If you've followed my posts you know I am a big low-carb proponent. So James, here us the crunch without the carbs.

Pork skins - use them ground up as a breaking for vegetables or cheese

Ground almonds are great as a cheesecake crust

Fried bacon in salads beats croutons any day

Brown coconut as a topping

Coat Kale with olive oil and make a big bowl of Kale chips instead of potato chips

Shrimp salad with real mayo and crunchy celery

Grate zucchini add egg and fry as a crispy hash brown substitute

Add walnuts to salads

I am sure I can think of some more .., stay tuned

Please chime in in the comments if you can think of more crunchy Atkins options


  1. Hi As a low-carber I can relate to missing the crunch. Usually I'll grab some pork rinds and French Onion Sour Cream dip. It is such a rich and creamy, crunch snack that I am satisfied with just a few. No big risk of eating a lot.
    I've seen a couple of versions of cheese crisps on line that are good cruncy snacks. They are simply grated cheese (parmesan or cheddar) cooked up in a nonstick skillet. Once they are cooled, break them into pieces. Good as a chip substitute or for crunch on a salad.
    I'm sure there are other great crunchies out there...those are the two I can think of right now.

  2. I take a piece or two of sliced cheddar cheese, break them into small pieces (16 pieces per slice), put them on parchment paper and microwave them for about 90 seconds. You may have to nuke them for as long as 3 minutes depending on your microwave. YUM.

    I also put nitrate-free pepperoni slices on a plate, cover with a paper towel and nuke those for the same amount of time. Nice and crispy.
