Monday, June 18, 2012

Fun with Loofahs

Loofah growing Structure
This is the second year I have grown Loofahs.  This year I built a 'bean house' out of saplings.  Loofahs generally like to climb and hang.  Last year I had them next to my chicken coop with landscape timbers leaning up.  It worked but it was not the ideal situation.  I think they will really like this new bean house but as you can see I unfortunately crowded them.  I planted about 2 foot apart but they need 3-5 ft between plants.  This is not a great picture but I will post a better one later.  They grow crazy fast once the blooms come out.  You can see this one at just a couple of days old.  Once they are grown I will peel them, wash them and then have great loofah sponges for friends and family.  
Baby Loofah on the Vine

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